Get Ready Grants

The Get Ready Grant (GRG) program helps to expand the CERF+ Artist Readiness Program (CARP), which strengthens the vitality and sustainability of individuals who endeavor to create and innovate within the State of Louisiana. GRGs support individual artists in conducting activities that will help safeguard their students, protect their careers, and prepare for emergencies. The Arts Council administers GRG throughout the State of Louisiana on behalf of the CERF+ and the program is funded by the Mellon Foundation.

Funded projects must take place within 6 months of the grant award notification.


Eligible applicants must:

  • Be an artist working in a visual, performance, or craft discipline

  • Have been residing and working in Louisiana for the last two years

  • Not have received a Get Ready Grant in calendar year 2023 or 2024

Eligible Projects Include:

  • COVID Career Resilience

  • Business Protection

  • Studio Safeguards

  • Emergency/Disaster Readiness

  • Career Protection


GRG Webinar
GRG Guidelines

Managing Your Grant

Communication and Promotion Guidelines
Review the full list of communication and promotion guidelines in the GRG Guideline document. Grantees are required to display the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge logo and the CERF+ logo. In addition, the following credit statement must be included on all print materials, social media, and website communication about the project being funded: “This project is supported by CERF+ and the Mellon Foundation through a grant administered by the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge.”


Grant funds must be utilized to complete the proposed project within six months of the grant award. Grantees are required to document and share what they learned from accomplishing the readiness activity and its impact and report this information back to CERF+. Creative ways to share information such as videos, blog posts, and other media are encouraged and may be shared publicly as an education and outreach tool to help other artists safeguard their career. This documentation and sharing of information, along with a survey administered by the Arts Council, will serve as the grantees final report and must be submitted to the Arts Council’s Chief Programs Officer no more than 45 days after the completion of the grant funded project. For examples of documentation and sharing methods, click here.

Final Report

Final Reports are due within 45 days of project completion. To access the Final Report, log in to your Submittable account and click on your Lamar grant application.

Sponsored By

Get Ready Grants are administered on behalf of CERF+, with funding provided by the Mellon Foundation.